Removing Freezer Odors

~ Objectionable odors in the freezer may be caused by food that has been left in the freezer too long, food that has been packaged improperly or by food that spoiled when the electricity was off.

~ Several different solutions can be used to clean the interior surface of the freezer. Try these one at a time. Be sure to rinse the freezer surfaces well and dry them before trying another solution.

~ Do not mix ingredients in different solutions. Baking soda and water might do the job. Use 2 Tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of water.

~ If the odor remains, try a vinegar and water solution. The formula is one cup of vinegar to one gallon of water.

~ Household chlorine bleach may be effective. Use 1/2 cup of bleach to one gallon of water. No matter which solution you choose, rinse well with clear water after cleaning.

~ If odor still remains, you can try leaving a crumpled newspaper in the freezer for a time.

~ Charcoal briquettes or activated charcoal in an open container may help remove odor.

~ Other choices could include coffee grounds or kitty litter left in an open container in the freezer.

~ If odor-causing moisture has been absorbed by the insulation of the freezer, the odor may be impossible to remove. If the interior surface has been cleaned and rinsed and an unpleasant odor still remains, you may have to replace the insulation.

~ In the meantime, if you must use the freezer, be sure to double-wrap all food placed inside. As soon as you take food from the freezer, remove the outer wrapping before the food thaws. The odor should be left in the outer wrapping so the food will not be affected.