Sirloin Steak Stretcher

We love our pastured beef steaks! Our girls at ages 8 and 5 can each eat a whole sirloin. We all know there are only so many steaks on a steer, so I like to find ways to stretch the steak cuts. One way I do this with sirloin steak is to make Beef Tips. You can also do this with T-bone or Club steak.

I take a package of 2 sirloin steaks and using a sharp filet or boning knife, remove all the fat and any gristle. I then cut the steaks into evenly portioned bite size pieces, about 1/2 inch pieces.

Put all of this in a glass bowl and put in a touch of worcestershire sauce. Let this rest for a few minutes, while the pan heats. Quickly saute the beef over medium-high heat for just a few brief minutes - only about 4 at the most. Remember that the beef will continue to cook from residual heat once removed from the heat. And, these pieces are small, so they cook quickly. I like to see quite a bit of pink still in the middle; this way I know that by the time I get everyone seated the meat won't be too done.

Serve this beef with veggies or rice or whatever sounds good and is fresh for the evening. I can feed my family of 5 with 2 sirloin steaks using this method.